December 20, 2015
This Doodle is coming way late for Thanksgiving, (I just wasn’t feeling it after attending the second funeral in KC this year at the beginning of the month and putting our bloodhound down the next week), but it’s coming just in time for Christmas.
Since I’ve written more than anyone would want to hear about all the sadness this year has brought to my family, I’m going to experiment with a little writing exercise called: Let’s Make a Merry Christmas Acrostic!
***M***agical, mystical day,
***E***clipsing all others for those of us who
***R***egard the birth of a child in Bethlehem
***R***everently, with joyful wonder and awe,
***Y***ou open the door to heaven each year,
***C***hristening the child once again–
***H***oly Son of God, Prince of Peace,
***R***eigning King of Kings,
***I***mmanuel, God With Us–
***S***inging the melody of love
***T***riumphant to any who will come,
***M***iraculously accepting as truth
***A***nnointed, this manger scene:
***S***alvation birthed in a stable.
That’s it for this year. But that’s all we need. Have a joyful Christmas and Happy New Year with those you love the most!