How to Write about Nothing
July 31, 2021
Hello friends! I hope you’re not expecting a wondrous outpouring of wisdom or a hilarious story from the annals of Doodledom this month, because I have absolutely nothing to say. As we all know, however, that has never stopped me from performing my monthly writing duty. And as you all have probably observed, when I have nothing to say, I write an exceedingly long introductory paragraph in order to fill up the blankness of the page. As I am doing right this minute. And this minute as well. And. . . never mind. I shall move along to something—anything. Whatever comes into my head.
See there, see how I did that? A perfectly formed paragraph of absolutely nothing! How did I ever write those term papers in college? I’ll tell you how—I had an assignment to write on something in particular, so I did it. Easy peasy. It’s the thinking up something out of my own rather unexciting existence that causes such anguish.
And there we have another paragraph! I could go on like this forever, but I won’t. I will think of something intriguing to say. Or maybe not intriguing, but at least something worth your time and energy in reading it. Of course, if you’ve made it this far, you must lead a fairly boring life yourself and you’re desperate enough to read this Desperate Doodler’s drivel. Poor you!
This is truly all I have to write about, for those of you who read last month’s Doodle. I had my Carotid arteries ultrasounded and they are fine. I saw a neurologist, who is my primary care physician’s husband, so I already knew him, which made it less stressful. He sliced the MRI of my brain into sections to show me what my microangiopathies look like. They look like empty spots on my brain and they are most likely from mini-strokes. I need to take a baby aspirin every day and he’s testing me for a few other things that might be contributing factors. Basically this is part of aging and everyone over 60 should take a baby aspirin every day! There’s some wisdom for you!
All this came from failing my left eye peripheral vision test in June. I still don’t think I have a peripheral vision problem, but failing the test led to me learning about the mini-strokes and what I need to do to prevent them or something worse from happening. It was a God thing, and I’m grateful to my ophthalmologist, Dr. Briscoe, for being pro-active and thorough with my eye exam, even though I was annoyed to have all those tests done.
I already know what my August Doodle will be about, and I intend for it to be a tad more interesting! Bret and I have a little trip planned for the end of the month!