The Weird Normality of Normal Weirdness
April 15, 2012
Something strange happened to me today. It was a weirdness that used to be normal for me, way way back in the B.C. years. Yes, Before Children I tended to be more on the normally weird side of life, rather than the weirdly normal side. In other words, for those of you who do not know what manner of blabberspeak this is, I am talking about procrastination. I used to not do it. At all. I would make myself a schedule and plenty of lists, and then starting with the big dreadful chores I’d work my way down to the happy times with books and paper and pens. This started sometime around first grade when I learned to clean my room and read. And thus my normal weirdness continued all the way through college and the first six years of marriage. It never occurred to me to follow the trend of most of those around me to put off whatever I didn’t want to do in order to do the things I enjoyed. I also never put off the things that were difficult to start, but enjoyable once I actually began (writing would be in that category.) No, I just made my list and followed it. Once in awhile I would veer off schedule out of the goodness of my heart to do something my husband wanted to do, but generally I made him wait until I at least had the really unsavory tasks behind me (like laundry, cleaning and cooking).
Then I became a mother and all my perfect scheduling went out the back door with all those diapers. Being late and procrastinating became my new weird normal. And as the years passed with more and more activities added into the family regimen, that weirdness became just plain normal. I still made schedules, mind you, for life is not possible in my head without them, but I did not follow them perfectly very often, a cause for no small amount of frustration in my soul. But living in a family and living by a strict regimen just does not happen on a regular basis. That’s why I was shocked with myself when I sat down this afternoon to write the monthly doodle-blog two weekends before the end of the month! What strange alignment of the planets has brought about this crinkle in the time/space continuum currently hovering over my house? It may be the other half of my personality–guilt–rearing its judgmental head to push me to write earlier this month, so maybe I would find time to write a second entry in April to make up for missing February all together and thus put the discombobulated writing schedule back on track. Or maybe the old me is back and I have come out of my 27 year procrastinatory slump!
Whatever it is, I’ve already written three paragraphs about next to nothing, so that’s an improvement over some months. And as you may have noticed, I once again have nothing astounding to say. But the fact that I’m not saying much a whole two weeks earlier than my weird norm actually does say something. I will let you ponder that deep truth for awhile and come up with your own interpretation.
And have you noticed that I have written a whole four paragraphs now without mentioning sweet little Charlie Emerson, the world’s most astounding grandson? That’s because I am over it! What’s a grandbaby in the giant scheme of the universe?
If you believe that, then you have not been paying attention to any of my earlier doodles and you might as well stop paying attention to this one if you haven’t already. I am simply trying to write about something other than being a grandmother, but obviously, nothing else is very interesting right now.
Oh wait. Back in January I mentioned a book recommendation might be coming in February. So here it is: “A Thousand Gifts” by Ann Voskamp is a beautifully lyrical book about learning to rejoice in every moment by seeing everything, the good, the bad, the ugly and the babylicious beautiful, as a gift from God for which to be thankful. She writes a blog, too, that is much better than this one, so feel free to fly off and read hers instead of mine. I haven’t yet reached the point where I automatically thank God for everything as it is happening, but I am keeping a journal of thanksgiving. Unfortunately, I have been procrastinating about adding to it lately, so I’m only up to 400 thanks. Anyway, if you want to be challenged and astounded at the same time, read this book!
So maybe that can count as my belated February posting. I feel a wave of procrastination coming on for the last half of this month, unless Charlie does something too cute to keep to myself. Then you may be blessed beyond your ability to continue living without seeing him in person, so be careful how much you read about him.
Our scripture verse for this month is I Peter 2:9-10 straight from the King James version: “But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people, that ye should show forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvelous light; who in time past were not a people but are now the people of God; who had not obtained mercy but now have obtained mercy.”
Join me in being peculiar and let’s praise God for whatever is going on in our lives right this very minute!